PHASE 3B Block 2
Across Greenbelt Area
2 available adjacent lots
Lot Area: 514 sq.m. (5,530.64 sq.ft.) and 512 sq.m. (5,509.12 sq.ft.)
Total Lot Area: 1,026 sq.m. or 11,039.76 sq.ft.
Phase 3B, Block 7
Lot Areas:
542 sq.m. (5,831.92 sq.ft.)
468 sq.m. (5,035.68 sq.ft.)
Total Lot Area: 1,010 sq.m. (10,867.60 sq.ft.)
Asking Price:
Php 16,000.00 per sqm – or best offer – spot cash only
Both lots can only be bought together.